FIRE & BLOOD!!! A Game Of Thrones Prequel About The History Of The Targaryens Is Reportedly In The Works

THR- A second Game of Thrones prequel is in the works at HBO. Sources confirm to The Hollywood Reporter that the premium cable network is near a deal for a pilot order for a prequel set 300 years before the events of the flagship series that tracks the beginnings and the end of House Targaryen. Ryan Condal (Colony) and Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin will pen the script for the drama, which is based on Martin’s book Fire & Blood. HBO declined comment.

As for the House Targaryen project, it is based on Fire & Blood, which was released last November and serves as a companion to Martin’s Song of Fire and Ice saga, which inspired the flagship series. It begins with Aegon the Conqueror — the creator of the Iron Throne — and recounts generations of the family that featured Daenerys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen and Jon Snow.

Alright HBO. Despite the absolute bullshit you pulled the last couple of seasons with Thrones, I have no choice but to get extremely excited about this prequel series. You know why? Because everything we loved about the first six seasons of Thrones is going to be there in this prequel. The source material will be lifted straight from books written by that crazy fuck George RR Martin, no rush to wrap things up because it hasn’t even started filming yet, there will be tons of violence since the Targaryens were a vicious group, and of course there will be dragons. Lots and lots of dragons. Or at least there better be. I don’t want to hear HBO cry poverty about their dragon budget like they did on Thrones for this Fire & Blood series. You can get away with that shit when there are a billion different characters from a million different families roaming around Westeros. But when your main characters are only a big deal because they were able to weaponize dragons like Barstool weaponizes social media, the big swinging dick at HBO better be ready to open his wallet like George Steinbrenner in the 90s to make sure we get as many dragons as necessary. And I’m not talking about these cutesy little dragons like Donkey’s wife in Shrek.

I’m talking laying armies to waste, turning cities to ash, “Die motherfucker, die motherfucker, die” dragons

I imagine we will be getting exactly that because Balerion The Black Dread wasy the biggest, baddest motherfucker on the planet back when he was burning fools alive, taking their swords, and creating the Iron Throne that ruled an entire continent before his great, great, great, great granddragon destroyed it during one of the cringiest scenes in TV history.

As long as the dragon budget is fine all you have to do is throw in some cool shit from Valyria, the typical shady political games, some good ol’ fashion backbiting, a little bit of foreshadowing of future characters without bashing it over our head, the creation of the Iron Thrones, as well as some Strong Sexual Content and I think the Thrones franchise may end up being #back before Texas football is.

However, the one downside to all this for a prude like me is that we are probably going to get a bunch of incest. Like A LOT of it. I’m talking more than the 8 bazillion terabytes of it that Pornhub’s servers have. There’s really nothing we can do about it since the Targs clearly loved keeping it all in the family. But if it means we get a series that was at least 75% of what Thrones was before Benioff & Weiss smashed the Fast Forward button on the last few seasons, I’ll live with a couple of fake siblings smashing in the throne room as a trade off.

I’m not sure how long we will have to wait for this show to go into production let alone get released. But here is something to whet your nerd appetite until it makes it’s debut in that coveted 9 pm Sunday time slot on HBO.

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